Michael LavellePresident — Michael J. Lavelle, ASA

Appraisal Economics —

Michael is a Director at Appraisal Economics, where he is responsible for valuations of business interests, securities, and intangible assets for clients ranging from publicly traded companies to biotechnology start-ups. He holds an MBA from NYU and a B.S. from The College of New Jersey in Economics and Finance, and also studied Finance and Economics at Queensland University in Australia.


Donna Ray ThompsonVice President — Donna Thompson Ray

ATFA Appraisals —

Donna is the principal of AFTA Appraisals which provides fine art appraisal and advisory services of modern and contemporary art, focusing on African, American, Caribbean/Haitian, Latin American, and Folk art and photography. She is also the Project Director for Faculty Development Programs at CUNY’s American Social History Project at the Center For Media And Learning. A University of Rochester graduate with a B.A. in Political Science and History, she’s done graduate work at CUNY and Drew, and serves on the Board of the Museum of Art and Origins

Lynn MagnussonTreasurer — Lynn Magnusson, ASA

The Magnusson Group—

Lynn is a Personal Property Appraiser accredited both by ASA and AAA, who specializes in Antiques and Decorative Arts and has served multiple terms as President of the ASA Northern New Jersey Chapter. She holds a BS in Business Administration from Montclair State University and advanced certificates from NYU. Lynn is the President of the Magnusson Group and Personal Property Consultants Inc.